Animal has been the second-fastest Hindi film to break the ₹100 crore nett milestone at the domestic box office, surpassing Jawan, starring Shah Rukh Khan. According to a report by, Animal’s Hindi version generated ₹113.12 crore nett in the first two days, surpassing the ₹111.73 crore nett earned by Shah Rukh’s Jawan during the same period in India.
Top 3
During the same two days, Pathaan continues to hold the top spot with a Hindi total of ₹123 crore nett in India. Salman Khan’s Tiger 3 and Yash’s KGF: Chapter 2 are among the top five fastest ₹100 crore Hindi films, ranking alongside Shah Rukh’s Jawan (number three) and Ranbir Kapoor’s Animal (number two).
At the domestic box office, it took both movies two days to reach the ₹100 crore nett mark. The Hindi version of Kannada star Yash’s KGF sequel, which was released in 2022, is fifth on the list with ₹100.74 crore nett in two days. While Tiger 3, which was released on Diwali 2023, is ranked fourth with ₹101 crore nett in two days.
Top 10
In August 2023, actor Sunny Deol’s highly anticipated follow-up to Gadar (2001), Gadar 2, was released. The movie took three days to gross over ₹100 crore net in India. In theaters, it earned ₹135.18 crore nett after three days. The 2017 Hindi version of Baahubali 2: The Conclusion comes in at number seven on the list, after Gadar 2. It also took three days for it to join the ₹100 crore nett club. The SS Rajamouli directorial collected ₹128 crore in three days.
The Ranbir Kapoor film Sanju (2018) comes in at number eight with ₹120.06 crore nett collected in India in three days and Salman’s Tiger Zinda Hai comes in at number nine with ₹114.93 crore nett and Prabhas’s Adipurush (2023) rounds out the top 10 with ₹112.75 crore nett.