Tamil cinema’s iconic and respected figure, Rajinikanth, has shed light over the reasoning behind his recent gesture of touching the feet of Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath during their meeting in Lucknow. The renowned actor stated that his action was in line with his deeply ingrained custom of revering yogis and sanyasis.
“Be it a sanyasi or yogi, even if they are younger than me, I have the habit of touching their feet,” Rajinikanth said, at Chennai airport.
Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, who holds the mantle of a sanyasi, earned the prestigious position of the high priest at the Gorakhnath temple in 2014, a role he embraced with reverence.
The meeting between the Tamil superstar and the Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister was punctuated by Rajinikanth’s act of humility in touching Yogi Adityanath’s feet. The camaraderie continued with a special screening of Rajinikanth’s movie ‘Jailer’ in Lucknow later that day. The event also enjoyed the presence of Deputy Chief Minister Keshav Prasad Maurya.
The following day witnessed Rajinikanth’s warm rendezvous with Samajwadi Party Chief Akhilesh Yadav at his residence. Yadav marked the occasion by sharing a tweet along with an endearing photograph of their embrace.
In the realm of cinema, Rajinikanth’s film ‘Jailer’ unveiled its magic on the big screen on August 10, reportedly crossing an astounding milestone by amassing over Rs 500 crore at the global box office.
In this tale of mutual respect and cross-cultural exchanges, Rajinikanth’s touch of humility towards Yogi Adityanath echoes the sentiment of acknowledging and paying homage to those who embody a spiritual and ascetic path.