Raha Kapoor, who will turn one year old next month, is the subject of a recent interview with Ranbir Kapoor. Regarding her first birthday, the star told her followers that it would be a cozy celebration. He further disclosed that, despite Raha’s immaturity, she was enthralled with Taimur right away.
According to a story by The Indian Express, Ranbir disclosed plans for Raha’s first birthday during a fan engagement on Zoom. Says he, “We’re gonna have a small birthday party for her at home with just family and cousins, so looking forward to that.”
Raha and Taimur-Jeh’s meeting
He was also questioned regarding Raha’s equation involving her cousins Taimur and Jeh. Laughing, Ranbir informed the crowd that his daughter, who is only 11 months old, does not yet recognize people. He also mentioned, “Raha went to Taimur and Jeh’s house once. They have come home also. But she’s so young, she can’t recognize anyone. She is 11 months old. She’s barely recognizing me now and I must say that I am her favorite, more than mumma also so, I am very happy about that.” Ranbir also recalled the time when he met Taimur for the first time, “The first time I met Taimur, I was also very starstruck. I was like ‘What a cute baby he is’.”
Taimur and Jehangir are the sons of Kareena Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan. Ranbir, Kareena, and Karisma Kapoor are cousins. They are all very close to each other.
Alia Bhatt writes daily emails to Raha, reveals Ranbir Kapoor
Earlier this month, Ranbir Kapoor revealed that his actor-wife Alia Bhatt is writing emails to their daughter Raha every day. In a new interaction with the German pen brand Hauser, Ranbir also said that he plans to start writing letters to the young one.
Asked if he writes to his daughter, Ranbir said, “Alia is actually writing her an email every day and I thought I would start writing to her someday. I am actually. Now since I am part of …so I will write her extraordinary letters to her.” He also disclosed that he used to write a lot of love letters and that he enjoyed reading the ones that his parents and grandparents sent to one another.
April of last year saw the marriage of Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor. After two months, they revealed Alia was expecting, and Raha was then welcomed in November. The couple has not yet disclosed their daughter’s face. They have even asked the media and photographers to refrain from taking pictures of Raha.